Raising Kidney Disease Awareness in high-risk communities


Client: King’s College London

'Health Inequalities in kiDney Disease: mEeting the urgent need to identify Early disease in high risk commuNities

APPLE CKD – APolipoprotein L1 in People of african ancestry Living in the UK: Exploration of genetic and environmental factors associated with Chronic Kidney Disease



The Objectives

King’s College London researchers reached out to us for our help across two projects, a public health campaign, HIDDEN CKD, focussed around raising awareness of the prevalence of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) amongst ethnic communities, particularly communities of African and Caribbean heritage encouraging individuals to understand their level of CKD risk by getting their blood and urine screened.

APPLE CKD, a research study led by KCL is investigating the APOL1 gene, a gene found predominantly in people of African and Caribbean heritage, for how much of a contributing risk factor this could be in developing CKD.

The Role

Strategic development (Discover and Define)
Taking KCL through our Eagle Eye process, we looked at how the target audience would receive the offer, with an understanding that historically black communities have been skeptical of British public health institutions due to experiences of maltreatment that have reinforcing a cultural mistrust. Leaving us to understand that successful communications would need to inspire trust first, so that people can make informed decisions to get screened for CKD risks or volunteer in a CKD study.

Communications campaign delivery (Develop and Deliver)
As a result of a strategy being built around inspiring trust first, proposed communications materials would need to feature black people at the heart of those being spoken to but as well as those that are highlighting that there is a health problem with a prevalence that is getting worse amongst the community. Which is why both campaign materials focus on telling the stories of black CKD patients as well as black public health professionals on the frontline treating patients, providing an insight into how risk factors can get culturally overlooked providing ideal conditions for CKD to develop and go undetected.


The campaign is currently in the Develop stage and has not yet been delivered. However please refer back to this section for links to campaign materials as well as data and information on how the HIDDEN CKD and APPLE-CKD projects have been received.


We are highly-skilled diversity consultants with an aptitude for helping brands develop black-British cultural competency and launch culturally tailored campaigns. To get in touch, contact chioma@theemhglobal.com today!!


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