Improving access to employment opportunities for young black men


Client: Moving on Up Newham

Social media support, Content support



The Objective

BTEG had already established Moving on Up in 2014, an employability programme set up to tackle the employment disparity of young black men. With the success of the Trust for London backed programme in Brent, BTEG would partner up with London Works & ELBA to further the reach of the programme into East London with the birth of MoU Newham.

The new programme would take on a Collective Impact Approach enlisting service providers across the borough to cover a range of expertise, with us at Eagle, being one of the programme’s delivery partners brought in to raise the programme’s visibility amongst young black men and to profile the stories of those that have benefited from the project. 

The Role

Strategic development (Discover and Define)
After analysing MoU’s digital presence, we found that the programme didn’t have its own communications channels and only existed on those of the delivery partners. Having investigated what platforms young people frequently occupy and would be receptive to MoU messages, we would propose developing a comprehensive online hub that would provide value in the form of engaging and informational content for young black men urging them to sign up to or refer to the programme’s professional development opportunities.

Communications campaign delivery (Develop and Deliver)
After setting up the channels to establish MoU’s new online presence, it was time to support the programme in generating content that young black men can not only discover but identify the value in the stories being told and envision similar pathways to a successful career. Doing this with social media graphics covering motivational quotes, networking events, inspiring talks and opportunities, videos profiling the journeys of MoU beneficiaries, as well as distributing the wealth of knowledge and information of professional and cultural relevance through article and blog sharing


MoU Newham’s established digital presence providing social proof to onlookers that may want to sign up for, refer or provide professional development opportunities.


We are highly-skilled diversity consultants with an aptitude for helping brands develop black-British cultural competency and launch culturally tailored campaigns. To get in touch, contact today!!


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